Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing 23: Final Thoughts

I've recently been told that the hallmark of a good blog is it's brevity. Which is a good reason to keep this short (aside from the fact that I have to go to the public service desk in exactly 9 minutes).

The tools I was most intrigued by, and the ones that I am guaranteed to make use of on a regular basis, are the image generators. I do quite a few posters, bookmarks, and displays, and some of the options available online to make these posters/bookmarks/displays interesting are absolutely wonderful. Not that other tools - Flickr,, facebook etc - aren't helpful and interesting, but as a person with some computer skills but absolutely no creative ability, my introduction to image generators really made me smile.

Finally, my feelings on 23 Things: "Participating in 23 Things on a Stick is like learning how to drive - sometimes the ride is smooth and you feel confident your abilities, sometimes you're afraid that you can't handle what's coming next, but in the end you're glad you made the effort."

1 comment:

23 Things said...

Congratulations on finishing! Hope you enjoyed the ride--good analogy.

Watch for more 23 things in fall or winter.