Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thing 3: Set Up an RSS Account & Add Feeds

Where to start, where to start...well, before I address some of the "blog prompts," I'd like to mention my RSS failure. After searching for RSS feed icons on other librarians' blogs, I wanted to add one to The Cautious Librarian, rather than asking readers to scroll all the way to the bottom of my blog to the "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" link. So I looked and Help'd (neither Help on Blogger or Google Reader were very helpful) and finally found a convoluted answer, which, if I were truly devoted and had unlimited time, would probably eventually be useful.

Back to the prompts:

I used Google Reader, mostly because I already had a Google account and my mind is reeling with usernames and passwords, and I didn't particularly want to add another to the mix. In retrospect, Bloglines it is probably a more useful tool, but oh well. Google Reader was satisfactory; I particularly liked the "bundled" blogs, esp. Fun stuff and News (Jon Stewart and BBC News - gotta love 'em). It was also pretty easy to add other blogs from friends and colleagues and other random stuff (searching was easy, but for the most part I just entered the specific web addresses). I was sad, though, that I couldn't use Roger Ebert's webpage as an RSS.

I also would have liked to put a link to my RSS aggregator on my blog, but I didn't see any instructions on the 23 Things page, Blogspot or Google Reader. (Another one of those "if I had unlimited time" tasks...)

Regardless, it was a pretty easy program to manage, and I think it will decrease my use of Explorer Favorites. Not a huge impact at the moment, but I can see that it will become more of a part of my computer usage as I become familiar with this tool.


Kathy Martin said...

Which RSS aggregator are you using? For Bloglines, they have a bookmarklet in the left column that adds a favorite to your links. When you see a blog you want to add to your aggregator, you click it and decide where you want to file it (if you have set up folders in Bloglines).

I'm not sure about Google Reader. I didn't try it because I was already using bloglines.

Good luck!

Cautious Librarian said...

I'm actually using Google Reader (my bad luck, I guess :-)