Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 13: Online Productivity Tools

As is becoming my habit, I selected the Google option, not because it is the best, but because I'm having trouble remembering all of my passwords, and it is nice to be able to do one-stop shopping. (Just like Wal-Mart...oh wait, I hate Wal-Mart...)

So iGoogle it is! Pretty slick, I must admit; they only problem I've had so far is when I try to use the Google Calendar gadget it crashes my computer. So that was bad, but I solved it by deleting that particular feature from my brand-spanking new homepage. I didn't like the recommended countdown widget, but I searched iGoogle and found one that was a bit more intuitive and that I liked just as well.

Calendar: according to the article in Wired, "Google Calender sets the standard," which is great for me (see first paragraph of this posting). Seemed clear and easy to manage, although I must admit that I just added a few appointments and didn't delve too deeply into the resource. Still, I did see that you can sync your google calendar with your Microsoft Outlook caldenar...although unfortunately my library relies on GroupWise.

Lists: I am an old-fashioned girl, and I still like paper notes - did you hear me?!? PAPER! However, I realize that while written lists are acceptable for my grocery list, it isn't as practical for my work tasks. I am resigned. I tried ta-da, and while fun, I still prefer the daily task lists on my GroupWise Calendar, mostly because I like putting a task on my calendar and not having to even look at it until a reasonable time before it is due. (If there is a way to do this on ta-da, I didn't see it.) Plus, according to Ta-Da's FAQ section, you can only have ten simple to-do lists before you have to start paying.

I need waaaayyy more lists that that in my life.

Finally, I breezed through backpack, but if I hold electronic tools to the same standard that I have for shoes, I cannot buy a new one (pair) if it isn't any better to the ones I already use (have). Backpack didn't thrill me.

p.s. I did think zamzar was pretty nifty.

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