Monday, April 7, 2008

Thing 16: Student 2.0 Tools

The Assignment Calculator is interesting, but personally it seems like too much effort and not enough payoff, particularly for non-U students and faculty who don't have access to email reminders. But if a particular student has real time-management issues regarding long-term research projects (impossible!), then having every piece of the process laid out neatly would be of use.

I though that the Research Project Calculator was much more useful, particularly because you could email the page and get reminders, not just be stuck with the option of printing the project schedule. I'd be a lot more likely to recommend this site to teachers and students, not the least because of the added content (support materials in various formats, advice to teachers, etc).

If I were to ever use this professionally, it would probably be either for a long-term project where the steps were clearly defined, or if I were asked to give a presentation.

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